Channel: Moog Music Inc
Category: Music
Tags: moog grandmother demo librarysynthesissynthesizerhardware synthmoog demomoogsynth tutorialeurorackmoog synthesizer for salemodular synthsynthmoog grandmother darksynth demomoog demo librarymoog grandmotherelectronic musicmoog musicenvelope-controlled oscillator syncmoog synthesizersemi-modular synthmoog tutorialanalog synth
Description: This video explores how to achieve envelope-controlled oscillator sync effects using Grandmother. Oscillator sync is a very unique feature found on synthesizers with two or more oscillators in their voice architecture. It’s a process where one oscillator’s period (a single cycle of the waveform) is used to reset the period of a second oscillator. This imposed synchronization results in the synced oscillator taking on more complex waveforms as it’s forced to share the same base frequency as the oscillator it’s synced to, creating a distinct, harmonically rich, and almost metallic timbre. Moog has a long history of featuring oscillator sync on our instruments, with the 1979 Moog Prodigy still being known for its especially great-sounding oscillator sync timbres. Grandmother takes things a step further by allowing for extended sync functionality via the incorporation of patch points, offering classic Moog tone, while also opening up new pathways of exploration. Learn more about Grandmother: Register your Moog synthesizer: